1. High Level of Secrecy

Fans always wanted to know the details about everything that will happen in the future. Even though knew it would kill the hype surrounding that particular movie, they will still try every measure to leak information about their favorite upcoming movie. This attempt always increases to the maximum when it’s the movies by Nolan. When the level of attempts by others is also high, so does the security should also be to the fullest. That’s what the crew did with the Tenet movie. during the production of the movie, the public knew nothing about the movie, except the fact that there will be a new movie directed by Christopher Nolan. Interestingly many didn’t even get an idea what this film will be about even after the first trailer was released. Even the cast didn’t know much about the movie. Other than the lead Robert Pattinson and John David Washington, none of the cast knew the script about the movie. Even they read the script inside a locked room secured inside the Warner Bros. Studios. Other important casts like Sir Michael Caine were only given the opportunity to read his part of the script, you could imagine how strict it was when it comes to keeping the script a secret till the release of the movie.

2. Tenet is a Palindrome

Have you noticed the name of the movie? It is Ten from the front and ten from the back. Where the last letter “n” comes to the middle. This is a huge hint about the movie. If you haven’t watched the movie, this point may be a small spoiler for you.

This movie is a Palindrome. So what does a Palindrome means? It means that the ends at the same point when we see it from the forward or from the backward. Yes! This is a Christopher Nolan movie, after all! This director is famous for the amazing experiments he does from his very first movie.

3. The cast was auditioned using the scenes from other movies

As we have said before, this movie was done in highly secrecy from the beginning itself. So what do they do to recruit the cast for the movie? Well, those who come to the audition, were asked to do their auditions with the other scenes from other sci-fi movies. Yuri Kolokolnikov, who played the role of Volkov, read the lines from the movie “Matrix”.  And he was successful in it. After this, he flew to Los Angeles to meet Nolan. Similar was the case for Fiona Dourif also. She did her audition using the scenes of HBO’s Westworld. An interesting fact is that this movie was co-directed by Nolan’s brother, Jonathan Nolan. If you also don’t know that the movie Matrix is one of the favorites for Christopher Nolan. Its reference can be seen in many of his works also.

4. The movie is a result of 20 years long hard work

Director Christopher Nolan didn’t come up suddenly. In fact, this was an idea which he had been working for almost 20 years. Yes, this movie is a result of all of the homework done by Christopher Nolan for the past 20 years. And many are frustrated because they were unable to understand this movie in their first watch itself! This movie, as we have said, is the result of all those 20 years of homework, so it’s nothing wrong that we spend some more time to understand what the movie actually is about.

5. At some point, Actors really had to act backward!

As said before, this movie moves forward and backward at the same time. Since this movie deals with the term ‘inversion’, certain events in this movie are indeed taken backward. Yes, even the actors were asked to deliver their lines backward when required.

One such instance is when Kenneth Branagh was asked to deliver his lines in reverse. What’s more to that is the fact that his lines had to be delivered in a Russian accent. Well, to make something like Tenet, does require a lot of hard work.

6. Zero CGI for Stunts

Even though there are huge improvements in the technology and CGI, Director Christopher Nolan is still relying on the practical effects. Even though these new technologies and CGI help the movie studios to reduce the costs a lot and even it is a quicker method to get the desired effect we want to. Not only for Tenet, but Nolan’s most movies also rely on practical effects rather than depending on the new age methods. Yes, he is the very few actors in the industry who still don’t prefer using greenscreens and want everything to be real. Nolan will only take the help of CGI and all if it is that necessary.

7.  No Bond movies for Nolan!

So here is a fact about Christopher Nolan, which many may don’t know. Christopher Nolan is a huge fan of James Bond. But he had to stop watching bond movies while he was in the production period of Tenet. This was because both James Bond movies and Tenet have elements of investigation and all. And Nolan doesn’t want his love for James Bond affecting the scenes he wants to get. Another small fact is that Tenet is the longest period in which Christopher Nolan hasn’t watched any Bond flicks! All was this too because, Nolan only wants his imagination to be poured into the movie, rather than being inspired by Bond flicks. This is how much Nolan wants to commit to his work. He wants his works to be as natural as possible.

8. New crewmates

This movie has some new crewmates for Christopher Nolan. This was Because both Hanz Zimmer and Lee Smith weren’t able to join the crew. Hans Zimmer has been working together with Nolan for quite some time, even from the time since Prestige. Instead of Hans Zimmer, Ludwig Göransson did the composing wor this movie. And instead of Lee Smith, Jennifer Lame took his position in Tenet. Lee has been working together with Christopher Nolan since “Batman Begins”. But those who come instead of them also delivered amazing work.

9. Nolan, the Reality lover!

The movie has some really cool shots to showcase to its audience. One among them is the scene where the plane is crashed into the Freeport, according to Neil’s plan. This scene was so marvelous that we never think CGI was this much great because it wasn’t. As we have said before, most of the shots in Nolan’s movies are physically created. Yes, they literally crashed a plane for this shot! Well, the only thing we could say that it was amazing! At first, it was decided to use miniatures, but then using a real plane to crash into a real building was much cheaper than using miniatures. So they used an old plane for this show, which actually crashes into a building.

10. Nolan wanted Kat to be played by Elizabeth Debicki

In the movie, the character Kat, who is also the female lead of this movie, was played by Elizabeth Debicki. The role was near perfect for her, as if it was written based on her. Well, if you thought like that, it is actually the truth! Nolan himself offered this role to Elizabeth as he was impressed by her performances in Widows. She asked her to take her audition as she wanted to make herself believe that she earned that role. But when she heard the words of  Emma Thomas, Elizabeth got the belief that she has been chosen and was chosen because she has the ability to perform. What do you think about our top picks for facts about Tenet? We haven’t made any points according to their ranking. All the facts in this list are added in random order. If you think we should have mentioned any other pint, do mention us about that. Read: The Disappearance: Everything You Need To Know

Top 10 Facts About Tenet You Should Know - 42Top 10 Facts About Tenet You Should Know - 63